I have been in the IT industry for a very long time – long before laptops and emails and certainly before cell phones. In all that time I have always worked for large software companies. Now, as I approach retirement it is time to start building my own business that I can run on autopilot.

Years ago, I saw a chap called John Thornhill talking about how to make money on EBAY and I have watched him over the last few years. I then discovered his Partnership to Success program where he takes people from nothing to building and launching their own products and attracting affiliates to sell those products for them.

I signed up – otherwise, I wouldn’t be writing about it!

This is about my first five days working with John.

I will be honest and say that if you have experience with WordPress then the first lessons should be pretty straightforward. They cover things like:

  • Getting a domain name
  • Hosting
  • Installing WordPress
  • Some basic WordPress configuration
  • Installing OptimizePress
  • Writing an About Me page
  • and the first 2 blog posts (of which this is one)

There are some interesting little bits in their for example, a recommendation on a designer to create logos for your new website.

John also recommends a couple of really interesting books one on mindset and one on blogging. Both were well worth reading.

The first week is really setup time but if you don’t get the foundations correct then the rest will either not work or be harder than it needs to be.

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