In my previous post on this topic, I went through what happened in the first 5 days of Partnership to Success.

The rest of Phase 1 is setting up opt-in forms and an opt-in page for a product that was created by P2S creator John Thornhill. As part of the program he gives you PLR access to this report – it gives you a good head start in settings things up to attract visitors.

If you are new, or even if you are not, then this is a great step-by-step guide to building a lead magnet process using WordPress, OptimizePress, and Aweber. I have had a lot of experience building websites but I found the instructions John gave simple to follow and brought results quickly.

Day 8 (Building a League Magnet) is hard work. The introduction says it will take about 90 minutes to complete but in reality, I found it took longer than that.

The only challenge is that tools like Aweber and  OptimizePress go through updates that are not reflected in the lesson videos. This is totally understandable as it would be impossible for John to constantly keep updating the lessons when any tool gets updated. However, it does mean that at times you might have to do a bit of searching to find the things you want to do.

For more information on Partnership to Success click here. Or, click here to receive a FREE eBook entitled “Rapid Digital Assets”. This book will explain everything in more detail.


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